PowerShell Essentials

PowerShell Essentials

PowerShell - The Essentials

First: There's Windows PowerShell (included with Windows and common versions run from 2.0 to 5.1) and PowerShell Core (cross-platform download for Windows, macOS, and Linux; versions start at 6.0). There are some differences, but they're not substantial to what this guide will cover. EXCEPT that some modules are Windows PowerShell-only -- such as the ActiveDirectory module; PS Core 7+ is aiming for much closer Windows PS compatibility.
  → If you do use PowerShell Core then anytime you see "powershell.exe" in this guide replace with "pwsh.exe".

PowerShell is more recent than the CMD/DOS prompt, is mostly compatible, allows you to run the same external .EXE commands, and doesn't have as much legacy baggage. Though it supports as much of the legacy way of doing things as possible - best of both worlds. PowerShell is very regular and consistent. PowerShell is based on Objects rather than Plain Text, and PowerShell includes all the features of the .NET Framework.

To start PowerShell run powershell.exe, or look in your Start Menu for "PowerShell"

Type commands at the PS C:\> prompt, press Enter after each.

PowerShell example commands and an error

In the example above, the command cd "some folder" was typed at the PS C:\> prompt, the prompt changed to show the working directory was changed to the "some folder" directory, a valid command was typed, the results came back (showing where the powershell.exe file is located), and then an unknown command was tried - resulting in the error message which says exactly that - the command wasn't recognized. Now the PS C:\some folder> prompt waits for the next command.

(The yellow and green colours in the commands come from the PowerShell module "PSReadline", which is included as standard with PowerShell 5.1 in Windows 10 and can be downloaded for PS 3.0+)

Command, Option, Tab

PowerShell commands (or cmdlets are they are known) are often very verbose/long (and are usually of the form Verb-Noun, like Get-Content) so most people use aliases for common commands (eg. using dir instead of Get-ChildItem). Type alias to see a list of all aliases. The aliases match the old DOS commands, which are shorter, or are abbreviations for longer PowerShell commands. There's also aliases for many Linux/Bash/macOS commands (like ls or cp).

You can generally run any DOS/CMD command (.EXE or .BAT file) in PowerShell. While you can run regular external command/EXE files, like PING, IPCONFIG, ROUTE, etc from PowerShell sometimes their options/switches cause issues if you need to "enclose things in quotes". When running external .EXE commands you have to use the format of switches/options each command expects, not the "PowerShell way". PowerShell cmdlets and CMD/DOS .EXE files can interact but the results are not always as expected due to PowerShell outputting and expecting Objects rather than plain-text.

You can run any internal or downloaded .EXE so long as it is in the PATH environment variable. If it's not, then you'll need to specify the whole path, such as: c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe, or you'll need to change to the folder (cd c:\windows\system32\inetsrv) and then run appcmd.exe, for example.

Parameters/switches/options in PowerShell are separated from commands with a Space, and start with a dash -, eg. -Identity or -Properties.

Tip: Two common parameters that many PowerShell commands support (especially nearly all built-in ones) are: -WhatIf and -Confirm
The first will run the command and just lets you know what it would do without doing it. The second will ask before performing the action.

There's Tab completion for both commands and parameters/switches/options, and files/directories. Start typing the command or option and press the Tab key to cycle through all choices, which even works for files. If you use Tab Completion you won't mind that commands or switches are so long - just type enough and press Tab a few times to get to what you're looking for.

Getting Help

To get Help in PowerShell you type help and then cmdlet you want help for, such as: help Get-Process, add -full to see all the details and examples: help Get-Process -full. You can also just add -? after any cmdlet to get the basic help, as in Get-Process -? (you must use the help command to get -full help).

The help text will give a description of the command and the options you can (or must) provide. If you add -full you'll get all the details of the various options and often some Examples. If you don't see much run Update-Help to refresh the help file cache.

The SYNTAX section will show what command line options/switches/arguments you can use. The general format is that optional arguments are shown in [square brackets], the value is shown in <angled brackets> indicating the type; if only a limited set of choices are acceptable values they will be shown in {curly braces} separated by vertical pipes |. PowerShell commands often have multiple parameter sets which are just distinct groupings of options/arguments representing different ways of running the command (either this set of arguments or another set of arguments).

PowerShell help Get-ADUser example

In the example above, help Get-ADUser shows there are two parameter sets:

In the first -Filter is not optional, but the rest are in square brackets so are optional. -Filter takes a <String> (a series of characters, like a word or sentence), whereas -ResultSetSize takes an <Int32> (32-bit integer number), and -SearchBase can only be one of 3 possible choices: Base, OneLevel, or Subtree.

The second way of using Get-ADUser requires the <ADUser> type value for the -Identity parameter even though you don't need to specify -Identity itself; this is because -Identity is in square brackets but <ADUser> isn't. (An <ADUser> is anything that would identify a User object in AD, such as Username, SID, Distinguished Name, etc -- the -full help will show what's acceptable) The -Properties option can take an array of <String> values (denoted by the empty square brackets after String[]) meaning a collection or list of Strings.

Finally most PowerShell cmdlets support various CommonParameters, such as -Verbose, -WhatIf, and -ErrorAction, etc.


PowerShell is (generally) NOT Case Sensitive. You can type DIR, dir, DiR, etc. Usually PowerShell commands are written in PascalCase with words forced together using CapitalsToSeparateWords for readability, usually starting with a verb, as in: Get-SomeThingYouWant, or Remove-ThingYouDont.

To run a script you need to specify the path, even if you are in the same directory you still have to specify the current directory, eg: .\test-script.ps1. You can use Tab Completion to start typing the name and press TAB and it will complete the filename along with the .\ before it.

Unlike the CMD/DOS Prompt: you can use the PowerShell prompt to do math, such as typing 16 * 4 and it will return 64. You can enter any PowerShell command at the prompt and test/build scripts one command at a time - that is: variables and whatnot persist between commands (but not between sessions - if you close the window everything not saved to a file is gone).

PowerShell is a Windows program, so be mindful of Run as Administrator, Admin Rights, UAC, etc. If you can't do something, try running your PowerShell prompt as an Administrator.